Deciphering Nudge Device: A Guide to Understanding Lights

Deciphering Nudge Device: A Guide to Understanding Lights

At Nudge, we're committed to simplifying medication management with our innovative device. But, we know that our device's unique communication method using colors may raise some questions. In this post, we'll break down what each color means, ensuring you get the most out of your Nudge device and stay on top of your medication doses.

For visual learners, here's a quick video covering the topic:

Powering On: The Blue Light

First things first, check the power light on the back of your Nudge device. If it's lit up blue, you're good to go! If not, simply plug it in and you're ready to start managing your medication.

Sensor Status: The White Light

If the light is white, it means Nudge's sensor isn't detecting any medication, supplement, or container. Try moving the container closer or adjusting its position. If the issue persists, a simple sticker can often resolve the problem.

No Action Required: No Light

If your Nudge device is properly configured and plugged in, but the base isn't lit up, don't worry! It means there's no action required, and you're on track with your medication schedule.

Configuration Mode: Rotating Colors

If your Nudge device is rotating through different colors, it means it's in factory default mode and needs to be configured. Take a few minutes to activate and set up your Nudge to start smartly tracking your doses.

Bluetooth Connection: Blue Light

During activation or setup, Nudge will light up blue, indicating a Bluetooth connection. If you have multiple Nudge devices, check which one is being configured, as that's the one that will be colored blue.

Medication Time: Pulsing Green Light

The moment you've been waiting for! If the green light is pulsing, it's time to take your medication. Go ahead, take your dose, and feel better and healthier.

Missed Dose: Steady Green Light

If the light is steady green, it means you've missed the usual medication window. Check your medication instructions or consult with a medical professional to determine the best course of action.

Error Alert: Steady Red Light

We hope you never see this light, but if you do, it means there's an issue, usually related to connectivity. Check your WiFi internet connection to resolve the problem.

Nudge Light Key: A Quick Reference

Don't worry if you can't remember everything we've covered. We've provided a handy Nudge light key for reference right here. 

Maximizing Medication Adherence with Nudge

By understanding what each color means, you'll be able to get the most out of your Nudge device and stay on top of your medication management. With Nudge, you'll never have to worry about missing a dose or taking the wrong medication again. Improve your medication adherence and take control of your health with Nudge.

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