Nudge Device vs. Not Tracking Medication

Ever found yourself wondering if you've already taken your meds today? You're certainly not alone. In the USA 50% (ref) do not stick to our prescribed medication plans. This leads to a slew of problems: missed doses, worsening health conditions, and avoidable emergency room visits.

Enter Nudge, the game-changer in medication management. Say goodbye to the old-school method of trying (and often failing) to remember your meds. Nudge eliminates the guesswork and stress, streamlining the process for you and your loved ones. It acts as your digital checker, keeping track of your meds, alerting you to near misses, and preventing double dosing. Let's delve a bit deeper into what sets Nudge apart:


remember medication

No More Guesswork: With Nudge, you always have a clear answer to the lingering question, "Have I taken my medication today?" It's designed to provide peace of mind, ensuring you never have to second-guess your medication intake again.


Caregiver checking Nudge

Informed Family/Caregivers: Nudge keeps your family and caregivers in the loop. They'll always know whether you've taken or administered the necessary medication dose, fostering transparency and trust in care management.


Medication lights and apps with Nudge

Fun and Engaging: Taking medication becomes a more enjoyable experience with Nudge. Its light shows and sounds add a layer of fun to your medication routine, turning a mundane task into a delightful moment of your day.


With Nudge, taking your pills transcends mere routine; it becomes an intuitive, worry-free experience that keeps everyone informed, engaged, and uplifted. Welcome to a future where managing your health is as easy and enjoyable as it ought to be. Here's to health, happiness, and never having to wonder if you've taken your meds today again!


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