Nudge Device vs. Smartphone Apps

Ever found yourself wondering if you've already taken your meds today? You're certainly not alone. In the USA 50% (ref) do not stick to our prescribed medication plans. This leads to a slew of problems: missed doses, worsening health conditions, and avoidable emergency room visits.

Many turn to smartphone apps for help in tracking their medication. However, these apps, while somewhat helpful, cannot match what Nudge offers. Our specialized device, created solely for medication tracking, frees you from your smartphone. It eliminates the need for manual inputs, cuts down on unnecessary notifications, and reduces digital clutter.

Let's explore what makes Nudge stand out:

Intelligent Nudge notification

 Intelligent Notifications

Unlike mobile apps that remind you every time a dose is due, Nudge intelligently alerts you only when you risk missing a dose. Instead of getting 365+ notifications a year, Nudge cuts that noise down by average of 80%


Nudge auto-logging medications


Where mobile apps require manual confirmation of medication intake, adding another step to your day, Nudge automatically logs the exact time you take your medication. This feature simplifies your routine, requiring no extra effort from you.


Nudge double dose prevention

Double-Dosing Prevention 

Regular apps might prompt you to take medication without checking if you've already done so, posing a risk of double-dosing. Nudge, however, maintains a secure log of medication dispensing. This log acts as a crucial reminder and prevents accidental double-dosing.


Nudge turns medication intake from a routine task into an intuitive, hassle-free experience. It keeps everyone informed, engaged, and optimistic about health management. Welcome to the future, where maintaining your health is as effortless and enjoyable as it should be. Here's to health, happiness, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing your medication management is spot on every day!


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